Posts Tagged ‘lon chaney’

I’ve finally gotten around to exploring the Corel Sketchpad program that came bundled with my Wacom tablet.  It’s got some nice features, and fairly realistically replicates mediums like pencil, pen, brush and ink, charcoal and oil painting, among others.

I used to do a fair amount of oil painting when I was younger and was really intrigued to try it out in digital form with Sketchpad!  Although it’s like working in extremely wet oils all the time, and fine details are difficult to produce, the end result seems quite nice!

Here are my first four attempts at digital oil painting  (Click on image to enlarge)

I produce my initial sketch in Photoshop and then import it into Sketchpad, where I add a layer to work on and paint away!  The biggest drawback aside from Corel no longer supporting the program, is that Sketchpad crashes a lot, so work has to be saved often!